Illustrations for a workshop on building resiliency and healthy habits conducted by Marie Schingh, a professional leadership coach.
Series of images explaining Neuroplasticity - the ability of our brain's neural networks to change and for us to develop new habits. This process is similar to forging a new trail in a wild forest; at first, the path is unclear and difficult to walk through, but with time the new path becomes well established and you can walk through the forest with ease.
Resiliency - being able to bounce back from life's stress. The following images follow a day in the life of a working mom and all the responsibilities she must juggle, as well as her healthy coping strategies - work stress, raising children, maintaining her health, rest, exercise, nutrition, her social life, and making time for fun.
Developing a positive morning and an evening wind-down routine.
Making time for rest and relaxation throughout the day, and developing healthy eating habits.
Staying connected with friends and family, and exercising daily.
Making time for fun activities, and spreading a positive attitude.